Information Literacy

This is an offshoot of Newseum, one of my favorite sites to find high-quality news articles to use with students. It is the place where you can find standards-aligned lesson plans, artifacts, cases studies, and tools to help teach media literacy. Sign up is required to get the most out of the site but it is FREE.
(From the website): NEWSEUMED.ORG AT A GLANCE:
  • Optimized for mobile devices, tablets, and desktops
  • Hundreds of historic front pages, videos, and artifacts
  • 230+ lesson plans and activities
  • Curated, standards-aligned content
  • Interactive timelines and maps
  • Thematic suites of resources on the civil rights and woman suffrage movements, Election 2016, and balancing individual freedoms and public good.
  • New content added frequently

One of their activities I really like is titled “IS IT SHAREWORTHY?” Here is the accompanying infographic you can share with the students. In fact, share all of their infographics. They are all wonderful and very educational….and needed.


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