Do NOT try to clean up the Stream in Google Classroom

A little bit of warning -

If you look in the Stream tab in Google Classroom, you will see all of the assignments, questions, and materials mixed in with posts from students. 

You might be tempted to clean this up by clicking on the three vertical dots and hitting delete without realizing if you delete an assignment, question, or material from the Stream tab, it disappears from the Classworks tab as well. And sadly, there is no easy way to undo what you just did. But don’t panic. Google Classroom is linked with Google Drive which means that nothing is truly gone, it’s just not where you want it to be. 

You may be able to use the Reuse Assignment feature and have students re-submit their work from Google Drive using the Attach Items to your Assignment feature if you are lucky. If not, then the only option is to have a complete redo.


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