For many of us, the new additions to Google Classroom have been wonderful. But there are times when we wished things were like they use to be. For example, the Stream. In the new version, all materials pushed to the stream is in a condensed version. If a student makes a comment, it does not appear very easily. In addition, when a teacher looks at the stream, they don’t see how many students have completed and turned in the assignments. Yeah, you can see it in the Classwork’s tab by selecting each assignment but it just isn’t the same.

Well now, if you liked the old Stream, you can RETURN TO USING IT!. All you have to do is select the class you want and then click on the gear located at the top right-hand side. Once you are in the gear, take a look under General and notice there is an option for Classwork in the Stream. Pull down the arrow and make your selection. You can now reset the stream to be like it use to be!


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