5 Things You May Not Know About Google Classroom

This article comes from the blog titled Teacher Tech by Alice Keeler

If you are like me, you use Google Classroom all the time and may feel that you know everything there is to know about it. But, it is always good to have a reminder about some things you may not know or have forgotten. This is why I was excited when I saw this blog post by Alice Keeler.

Alice Keeler quickly shared five different features about Google Classroom that is important to keep in mind. These include:

  • Student View is Different than Teachers View: It is important to realize students may not see everything you see as a teacher.

  • No Attachments: Google puts everything in your G Drive. This includes files you add to an assignment from other sources.

  • You Can Not Edit Make A Copy for Each Student: Just like using a copy machine, once you make a copy, that is what students receive.

  • Students Lose Editing Permissions: When students turn in an assignment, they lose all editing permissions unless you return it to them

  • Only 10 Items in a Topic: If you have more than 10, students won’t see all of the items unless they select View More


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