On Facebook, I follow many professional groups. Lately, there has been many posts asking for schools willing to participate in a mystery Skype with another school. I feel this could be a wonderful opportunity to participate in regardless of the age of students so wanted to share some information.
What is a mystery skype? It is an educational game in which two classrooms connect via Skype. Once connected, students in the class take turns asking each other questions to try to figure out where there other class is located geographically.
What are the rules? Students can only ask yes or no questions. The class that figures out where the other class is located first “wins” the game.
How do I sign up? You can visit the official website from Microsoft and sign up. Another way is to ask on a social media site (I can help!) to find another school willing to compete with you.
What do I need to Skype? Nothing more than your teacher laptop and your classroom projector. You will need to download the Skype application to your computer before you begin.
More information?
http://bit.ly/2rLwLIR or http://bit.ly/2DIP4kO
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