I usually will have two different tech tips to focus on but with all of the new features now available on Flipgrid, I figured it earned the right to be an exclusive feature for this week.

On the blog DitchThatTextbook, a guest blogger named Mike Mohammad has created a step-by-step easy to follow tutorial all about how to use the new Flipgrid Shorts

Flipgrid has reached out to several teachers and school leaders to share some of the best ways to utilize Flipgrid for distance learning. There are some wonderful and creative ideas. All can be found here

Kasey Bell, from ShakeUpLearning, had a podcast over 10 Awesome Ways to Use Flipgrid in Your Classroom. If you don’t want to listen, she provides a transcript as well as links to all of the resources that are shared. These include students using Flipgrid to pitch business ideas to community members, a history class creating Podcasts over historical characters, and elementary teachers creating introduction videos to share with parents.

Finally, how about having students introduce themselves using Flipgrid! Here are a few ways to do just that.


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