Have you heard of the new online game that is sweeping the world? It is called Among Us. 

What is it? It is an online multiplayer strategy game. Anywhere from 4 to 10 players drop in on an alien starship. Each player is designated as either a crew member or an imposter. Crewmates must run around the ship and complete tasks while trying to figure out who the Imposters are before one of them has a chance to kill them. Players can be voted off by other teammates as well so each game becomes a game of survival. To win, you either must complete all of the tasks or have uncovered the imposter(s). 

Education Benefits: An interesting article in TCEA TechNotes talks about how this game can be used either online or in-person instruction. Most of the skills learned are social as students must work together to come out on top. It can also provide a stress release or be used as an award for completion of their work. Due to the popularity of the game, you will start seeing it pop up in worksheets, digital escape rooms, and more.


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