NFL Play 60 Kids Day LIVE!

     Richard Byrne has a blog post perfect for this week’s excitement leading up to the Super Bowls. (even though he thinks Tamba Bay will win, I am still going to share his post). In this post, he talks about some technology activities you can incorporate into your lessons that deal with football. One of them was called NFL Play 60 Kids Day Live.

     Sign up to participate TOMORROW for a free virtual field trip showing students where the game will be played, how the players get ready, and a few more fascinating facts. If you can’t participate in the virtual field trip, it will be available on demand for all who register. In addition, there are other activities on the site such as hands-on lesson plans, activities, and videos you can use to show students tips on how to stay healthy. This is perfect for Health and Fitness teachers but can be used in other classes as well.

If this site does not excite you, try one of these:

Pixel Art Reveal Super Bowl Picture with questions about adding/subtracting ten.

Pixel Art Reveal (same as above) but with questions about basic multiplication/division.

7 Super Bowl Lesson Plans


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