In a blog post on DitchThatTextbook, guest authors Kara Rigsby and Megan Diede explain ten different ways to create an engaging hook to start a unit or day of instruction with your students.

    Some of the hooks they suggest can seem to be a little daunting but once you create it, you can reuse it in the future. Others are not as challenging. They all revolve around building excitement and a little bit of intrigue to get students excited to learn more. The hooks include:
  • Create a movie trailer
  • Use a short video clip
  • Start with a photo
  • Use a mystery box
  • Start with music
  • Use Playdough or an art craft
  • A short picture book! (love this)
  • Do a gallery walk
  • Add some physical activity
  • Use an adventure hook

    For each one, the authors give a small description on how to create the hook along with a link to another blog post with more information and ideas.

If you need help with any of these hook ideas, please let me know. Remember, I AM HERE TO HELP YOU!


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