Bits and Pieces
Project-Based lessons ready-to-go with Tract for Teachers. Richard Byrne goes more in depth over what Tract is on his blog.
Musical Timers to use in your class. Make sure it is in present mode, click on the time you want and it will automatically go to that slide and play the song with lyrics while the time counts down.
35 Thrillingly Fun Halloween Songs are the spotlight in this blog post by WeAreTeachers.
5 Podcast for Middle School Students by Melody McAllister. My favorite? The 6 minute podcast. Great for the end of the class period while they wait to leave your room. Or use it as a bell ringer to get them to their desk in a quick fashion.
Have your students show their understanding of a topic by creating a Meme using Kapwing! There are many great meme templates ready to go. You can read all about it on this blog post by Nick.
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