I was looking at Flipgrid to do a quick summative assessment over Misinformation for my 8th grade tech class when I discovered there is a whole group of ready-to-use Flipgrid lessons by NewsLiteracy for High School.

    From WeAreTeachers comes a blog post with the best Thanksgiving songs for elementary students.

    Want some more ready-to-use templates for brochures, certificates, posters, social media posts, etc? Take a look at MockoFUN. They are now offering a free premium account for all teachers.

    I shared this earlier but in case you didn’t see it, Eric Curtis has delivered another easy-to-use template perfect for the holidays. This time, it is Build a Turkey!

    Eric Curtis has also recently shared his templates for a Google Calendar that displays all twelve months at a glance for the year 2022/23.

    Need a quick science project or lesson? Take a look at 3M Young Scientist Lab for free Interactives. These can be used for upper elementary through high school.


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