Tutorials for The School Year

 Google Keep Tutorials

I am often asked which tech tool I use the most. My answer is Google Keep. In fact, I use it so much that if it suddenly went away, I would not know how to function as an adult and educator. I highly recommend you do as well.

To learn about Google Keep, watch these 18 very short videos by Richard Byrne: https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2023/08/18-google-keep-tutorials-for-teachers.html

If you already USE Google Keep, you might still want to take a look as there is most likely something in one of the videos that will be new to you. For example, did you know you could create a comment bank in Google Keep for grading Google Docs assignments?

Google Calendar Tutorials

    Another tech tool I use to help stay organized during a school year is Google Calendar. If you are new to our district and/or new to Google Calendar or just want to learn more, check out this lists of very short youtube videos from Richard Byrne: https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2023/08/18-google-calendar-tutorials-for.html


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