Gmail update

 I am sure you are like me and hate when you get emails from businesses and organizations that you would rather not receive. It takes a lot of time and effort to go into each email and scroll down to the bottom to select Unsubscribe, only to find you still get their messages.

Google understands this problem and created a new way for users to unsubscribe from these unwanted emails. Now, if you see an email from a company you no longer want, you can hover over the message and a box will pop up asking if you want to unsubscribe. If you select it, an email will be sent to the company from Google asking they remove your address from their mailing list. 

You can mark the message as spam as well. Just remember that when you mark the email as spam from a legitimate business or organization, it can negatively impact the senders email reputation. This can in turn negatively affect future emails from that company. 

If you don’t notice this update, just wait. It will be slowly released with the end date of February 10th.


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